Motivos da escolha, percepções e perspectivas de alunos do Curso de Administração de IES privadas de Minas
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os motivos da escolha, a percepção/satisfação quanto ao curso e as perspectivas profissionais sobre a carreira escolhida de alunos de um curso de Administração de uma IES privada de Minas Gerais. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma amostra de 200 alunos, usando a técnica de amostragem estratificada por turno e por período, representativa do quadro discente dos quatro anos do curso. Para coleta dos dados utilizou-se um questionário composto de 55 questões, com boa parte das respostas estruturadas por meio de uma escala Likert. Constatou-se que a maioria dos alunos pesquisados: i) já tinha a Administração como área de interesse, provavelmente por já atuarem na área ou por terem sido influenciados por alguém próximo; ii) optou pelo curso baseado na experiência de trabalho, opinião dos pais / parentes e amigos; iii) teve uma avaliação positiva quanto ao desenvolvimento das competências pelo curso que freqüentam; iv) se sente preparada para a carreira profissional; e v) tem uma visão otimista em relação ao futuro na carreira escolhida.
Palavras-Chave: Motivos da Escolha, Percepção/Satisfação, Perspectivas discente.
The objective of this study was to identify the professional reasons of the choice, perception / learning satisfaction how much to the course and perspectives on the chosen career of students of a course of Administration of a private university of Minas Gerais. The research was carried through in a sample of 200 students, having used the technique of stratified sampling for turn and period, representative of the learning picture of the four years of the course. The data was collected by a questionnaire of 55 questions, with good part of the answers structuralized by means of a Likert scale. The main conclusions were that the majority of the searched students: i) already had the Administration as interest area, probably for already acting in the area or having been influenced for somebody next thing; ii) opted to the course based on the experience of work, opinion of the parents/relatives and friends; iii) had a positive evaluation how much to the development of the abilities for the course that they frequent; iv) if feels prepared for the professional career; e v) has an optimistically vision in relation to the future in the chosen career..
Key Words: Reasons of the Choice, Perception / Learning Satisfaction, Perspectives.
Palavras-Chave: Motivos da Escolha, Percepção/Satisfação, Perspectivas discente.
The objective of this study was to identify the professional reasons of the choice, perception / learning satisfaction how much to the course and perspectives on the chosen career of students of a course of Administration of a private university of Minas Gerais. The research was carried through in a sample of 200 students, having used the technique of stratified sampling for turn and period, representative of the learning picture of the four years of the course. The data was collected by a questionnaire of 55 questions, with good part of the answers structuralized by means of a Likert scale. The main conclusions were that the majority of the searched students: i) already had the Administration as interest area, probably for already acting in the area or having been influenced for somebody next thing; ii) opted to the course based on the experience of work, opinion of the parents/relatives and friends; iii) had a positive evaluation how much to the development of the abilities for the course that they frequent; iv) if feels prepared for the professional career; e v) has an optimistically vision in relation to the future in the chosen career..
Key Words: Reasons of the Choice, Perception / Learning Satisfaction, Perspectives.
Motivos da Escolha, Percepção/Satisfação, Perspectivas discente.